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International Association of Tourists and Travelers

International Association of "Tourists and Travelers " - College


  International association "tourists and travelers” is a non-commercial, non political and non industrial organization, which is created to develop the tourism  in Georgia and out of Georgia .

  We have a very interesting sentence  to  the organizations and tour agencies ,  to bring the people who is interested in tourism and want to get high education in tourism space.  They will get the certificate of our association after graduating courses . There is no limit of quantities of  students. 

  International association  "tourists and travelers” has founded a college in 2011. Where  the students can study the subjects over the tourism and get education in several  concrete professions:

1 – guide

2- office management

3- tour operating

4- financial management of tours

5- hotel management

6- foreign languages  (English, Germany, Russian, French, Turkish and Georgian )

7- cartographymapmaker (creating topographical and tourist maps )

8- cadastre . creating cadastral maps.  Measuring  buildings and geodesy.

Students  will have the possibility to have practices in Georgian and Turkish hotels and  in guesthouses . will study the reforms of Georgian tourism, it`s resources, problematic and specific. They will visit Georgia`s ancient and historical places and cultural monuments with a  professional guide.

  Our students will be provided with living rooms and they will have student visa during the studying.

Application for admission in college

 Request admission in college 
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